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Are you keeping yourself from FREEDOM?

Writer's picture: Jo OzdenJo Ozden

Rosacea can have you living out of the present moment. Going over old stories to make sense of it all.

The secret is to learn to be with yourself and feel into these mind games and in that moment of feeling it, give yourself exactly what you need at that moment. Give back to your younger self, Your teenage self your childhood self.

It’s the hurt the fear, the not feeling seen understood the trauma the experience the feeling the action the parents, the siblings, relationships that leave there mark on us emotionally. It is our responsibility as an adult to heal and free ourself to give ourself exactly what we needed, wanted, to receive at that moment.

You become your parent, best carer, your best friend, your best lover. Giving back to self, being you, present, loving yourself whole and living your best life is our way out of Rosacea Grip and into freedom.

Rosacea suffering from what the mind remembers. From the cycles of the mind. If we do not heal from what was, then what we experience in life NOW today, will only layer upon and spark the mind open to remember the parts of us that are waiting to be seen felt and healed. Rosacea freedom comes from awakening consciousness to your insane potential, your innate wisdom feeling into the shadows and embracing all parts of you. Becoming conscious allows us to have awareness around our thoughts, habits, and patterns which is the foundational step of transformation. An amazing, beautiful lifestyle of authentic-living, self-care and self-love.

Learning how to evolve into habits that serve you to consciously create who you want to become.

The sight and feeling of Rosacea were what gave me the courage to understand, trust and decondition from my not-self to become my whole-self. I hope you find that trust in yourself too, because it is there. It has always been there. Jo 💚 Seen by 6 Like Comment Comments Write a comment…

Jo Özden Admin · 28 January · Triggers are so confused for the cause of Rosacea. When you can see & feel how the Triggers are your bodies way of communication with you. A way to try to make you notice. A message/ reaction to bring you into awareness at the moment? To see/feel what is not serving you?. What is your mind thinking you are thinking? What are you remembering? The sad thing is and what makes Rosacea sufferers suffer for way longer than they deserve to is? When they get, feel, triggered, Flush, … See more 77 11 comments Seen by 50 Like Comment Comments View 2 more comments

  • Loup CharlesMy wife decided to leave 6 months ago. I've lost my mother in a car accident when I was 11. As I've been working outside in the sun for the last 10 summer without any sunscreen, I think I've damaged my skin. Before my wife decided to leave, earlier in … See more

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Loup Charles replied · 2 replies

  • Loup CharlesI did a lot of self work and barely flush now. The only time it occurs is right after I eat the first meal of the day. I know this forum is not oriented on this and you can delete my message if it isn't ok, but do anybody have an idea about the cause ?… See more

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Jo Özden replied · 3 replies

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Jo Özden Admin · 19 hrs · Self-love is so hard to do. to feel when you live from the mind. Definitely a big reason for me why Rosacea showed up. Having rosacea for so many if not most give ourselves such a hard time because of the way we see our face. We feel our face, others reactions to our face. I know that as it was constantly on my mind too. … See more 11 Seen by 27 Like Comment Comments Write a comment…

Jo Özden replied · 1 reply

Jo Özden shared a link. Admin · Yesterday at 08:54 · Good Morning! How are you today? I genuinely care and would love to know how you are below Sharing with you a my new Podcast Episode #24 In this episode I talk about TIME the excuse of having no time. I hear this excuse so often and how not having time makes us Low-Priority and will keep Rosacea and its symptoms persistent. Making yourself High-Priority in everyday. Is the only way to roll. Take a listen and let me know your thoughts. See more BUZZSPROUT.COM #24 Rosacea - The excuse of being to Busy. I have NO time = Low priority & deflection - Rosacea Freedom Talks - Jo Ozden Time and time again I hear people saying they have no time. Or use the excuse that when they get the time they will write to me, contact me, start the journey with me as they are so desperate to Heal and fade there face. YET sadly that TIME never ... Save Seen by 19 Like Comment Comments Write a comment…



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